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swift toast 라이브러리 본문

iOS/storyboard & code

swift toast 라이브러리

글자줍기 2022. 1. 1. 03:33



GitHub - scalessec/Toast-Swift: A Swift extension that adds toast notifications to the UIView object class.

A Swift extension that adds toast notifications to the UIView object class. - GitHub - scalessec/Toast-Swift: A Swift extension that adds toast notifications to the UIView object class.




1. 코코아팟 설치

2. 임포트하기 

import Toast_Swift

3. 사용할 곳에 넣기 

  // 토스트 띄우기
            // create a new style
            var style = ToastStyle()
            // this is just one of many style options
            style.messageColor = .white
            // present the toast with the new style
            self.view.makeToast("12자 이하로 써라!", duration: 3.0, position: .center, style: style)

스타일은 넣어도 되고, 빼도 된다.


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